Early rising, which I define as waking up for the day before 6am, is one of the most common (and most frustrating) problems that I hear about as a sleep coach. Thankfully, there are ways to stop it, so you do not need to "just suck it up!"
To answer from a general perspective, here are the main causes of early rising. See if any of them sound like they would apply to your situation. Unfortunately, it only takes one in a lot of cases!
1. Too late of a bedtime
2. Putting your child to bed asleep (or too drowsy)
3. Nap deprivation
4. Too long of an awake period between the last nap of the day and bedtime
To your specific situation, she's 10, so she should be getting 11 hours at night and 3 or a little more during the day, spread over 2 naps. It sounds like you're doing pretty well on that front, so #3 isn't sounding likely to me. 7pm is a perfectly reasonable bedtime, so that eliminates #1. As for #4, she can probably go about 3.5 hours between her last nap and bedtime at 9 mos.
Beyond this stuff, I'd direct you to blackout shades (which you've already done). In a lot of cases, early awakenings are reinforced if you bring them to bed with you at that 4-5am time. I can even start to slowly creep earlier! So, I'd be careful about how you respond. If you treat it the same as any other night waking, you're more likely to have success eliminating it!